Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Anyone Know of a Drama Exterminator?

Sophie just went on this giant, rage-filled tangent about how Chris hid her Nintendo DS from her and now she can't find it and he had NO RIGHT to do that because it is her DS and she doesn't understand why he would do something like that and then just LAUGH about it because it is NOT nice to laugh and do mean things to other people and why would Daddy DO that to her? When she finally stopped to take a breath, I pointed out that her DS was sitting in full view, for all to see, on the dining room table. She paused, cocked her head, and said, "Hmmm. Maybe I just dreamed that Daddy hid my DS? Or....maybe he hasn't done it yet? Ohhhhhh. I bet that's it. He is going to do it tonight at family dinner. Mommy, you need to tell him NO, that hiding things is NOT NICE."

I woke up this morning to the sounds of Disney's "Victorious" shaking our apartment's walls. I peeked in the living room and found Emma completely dressed and eating breakfast in front of her TV show. She said she'd been up since "5:25am, in the morning." I asked her to please turn down the TV before she woke her sister. We played cat-and-mouse with the volume; she'd turn it down a couple of notches, I'd ask for more, she'd turn it down one more notch, I'd demand still lower. Finally, I told her to turn the volume below 20 or else the TV goes off. "20?!?" she shrieked. "That's, like, whispering. Ugh. I can't wait until I'm a grown up and can drink soda and make the rules. I hate being a kid. How am I supposed to bear it?"

1 comment:

Diana said...

More for that book, Jen ;-).