Thursday, March 6, 2008


Em's been waking up from nightmares a lot lately. Last night was no exception. When asked, she told us that a monster came into her room, so she called for Grandma. Grandma came in, but she yelled at Emma instead of the monster. Then the monster and Grandma put band-aids all over Em's legs and hips. The end.

The night before, she was upset because a goat kept kicking her in the ear. The night before that, it was a cat meowing in the dark.

No idea what tonight will bring. My only solid guess is that it won't include uninterrupted sleep. In fact, Uninterrupted Sleep is so far removed from my memory that it's become something of a myth - an impossible thing I occasionally hear others talking about but don't really believe Bigfoot. Or honest politicians. Or an exceptional $10 haircut.

On a happier note, Sophie slept from 7pm - 5am last night. Hurray! At least someone is getting sleep in this house.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

All I can say is DITTO.