Friday, March 6, 2009

Illness Update

Day three of Sophie's fever, and poor Soph is a mess - clingy, cranky, sleepy, angry, disoriented, distraught, lethargic, and just all-around out-of-it.

Of course, this means we are still homebound, and after three days of missing the gym I'm starting to go a little batty. But I did drag the girls out for a brief visit to the park this morning. The weather was so gorgeous here today that I couldn't bear to stay inside. Emma bounced around from one playground attraction to the next like an inmate just released from jail while I tried to get Sophie to enjoy something, anything. Swing? No. Slide? No. Dirt? No.

After realizing that Emma had run halfway across the park grounds in her quest for the perfect tree to climb, I shouted at her to come back. She ignored me, of course. So I delivered the devastating news that we were going home because she hadn't listened to me. Emma reacted typically: she reared her head back, screamed at the top of her lungs and threw herself to the ground. Sophie looked down at Emma writhing in the mud and let out a little laugh. It was just a short guffaw - really more of a bark - but it was enough of a break from Sophie's relentless displeasure to make me grateful for Em's tantrum. Emma even stopped her wailing to rejoice that she had inadvertently, at least for a moment, made her little sister happy.

So here's hoping tomorrow brings a fever-free and ever-smiling Sophie. But if not, odds are definitely in our favor that at some point during the day, Em will throw a fit...and hopefully illicit a chuckle.

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