Sunday, March 8, 2009

Addendum to Rainy Sunday

Can I just share right now that my four-year-old is in her room - where she is supposed to be sleeping - currently singing some made-up song at the top of her lungs? I shall start to transcribe the lyrics as I hear them:

It's true that I know, it's true, it's true, yeah it's true, it's true that I know how bad it can get, it's so amazing, you can't even stop, it's sinful, it's horrible, like lightning in the eye, high in the sky, the light is blinding and flashing and whirling and swirling, whoa-oh-oh-ohh! It's painful to be...painful to be...painful to be...MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

That's just a small snippet, and you really need to hear the delivery to get the full effect, but still...I believe it is now official that my child is highly dramatic. And highly creative. A potentially lethal combination, but in this moment I just find it highly entertaining.

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