Sunday, April 26, 2009

It is open

One of the hardest and most enjoyable plays I've ever rehearsed, The Grapes of Wrath, opened this weekend. The audience was great, and we all celebrated together after the show until the wee hours of the morning. I can honestly say I look forward to going to the theater every day because I have so much damn fun, and I'm so proud to be working alongside 30+ of the most talented people I've ever met. It's taken a small army of gifted artists to give this puppy legs, and I hope all of you can come check out the results.

Words cannot describe how supportive Chris has been throughout this entire process. I have been in rehearsals five days a week since March 1st, and the last two weeks I've been at the theater every day (except during my pneumonia-enforced vacation, that is). Every step of the way, Chris has not only played Mommy and Daddy to the girls while I'm gone, but he's also done a large majority of the housework, ran endless errands, helped me memorize lines, made sure I got extra rest whenever possible, nursed me when I was sick...heck, he even made photo CDs for the show's press kits!

Even though I still have four shows a week ahead of me for the next month, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief now that the play has opened. The light at the end of the tunnel is visible. And after months of virtually no social life, today Chris was finally able to do something for himself - go with friends to a Sox game. But unfortunately, Chris's body apparently intuited that now was a good time to start slacking off because Chris came home from the game sick with fever. How unfair is that? He should be kicking back and enjoying some much-deserved leisure time right about now, and instead the poor thing's shivering in bed. It really sucks, and as soon as he's back on his feet I owe him many many MANY nights out with the boys.

On top of everything else, my family even surprised me with gorgeous flowers for my opening night. Here's a picture of the beautiful roses that Emma picked out for me - with help from Daddy, of course.
I have an amazing family. I'm surrounded by amazing colleagues and friends, and I am married to a truly amazing man. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I do know I am very, very grateful.

1 comment:

Gen said...

holy flowers! those look like something out of a magazine. go emma bloom.