Saturday, April 18, 2009


I am sick. I've been feeling rundown for weeks but have mostly been able to keep the heavy illness at bay. However, on Thursday I finally succumbed - and once I gave up the fight things went downhill very quickly. I started with what felt like a cold that morning, and by that night I was at rehearsal, curled up in a corner on the floor with several blankets piled on top of me, shivering uncontrollably and trying to calculate in my head whether or not I could actually get up and stay up long enough to make it through the end of Act II. I didn't make it. Turns out I have a nasty sinus infection and pneumonia in my right lung. I've pretty much been in bed ever since. In fact, I've been awake right now for approximately 3 hours, which is the most awake time I've had in 48 hours. I've missed rehearsals, appointments, my girls, my work, my life...and my wonderful, amazing, angelic husband has been handling it all while I sleep the sickness away.

I have dress rehearsal tomorrow from 11-3 and am determined to make it. Think healthy thoughts in your head for me! Oh - and come see me in The Grapes of Wrath!

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