Tuesday, October 12, 2010

MY Jersey is better than YOUR Jersey

My friend Gen writes a wonderful blog. Seriously, you should check it out. In fact, she recently dedicated an entire post to yours truly because she loves me THAT much. (And...well, okay...maybe because I also semi-browbeat her into it. But anyway, click here if you want to find out exactly how adept I am at wasting time with friends on email.) In Gen's latest blog post, she has thrown down an internet drag queen challenge. Now, anyone who knows me should be well aware that I take challenges very, very seriously. Particularly challenges in which someone is claiming they can look more awful than me. So, of course, I accepted her dare. Here is my drag queen entry, and for the record, I think it is HAWT:
Oh, yeah. Snooki, watch out. If you think you can do better, click here and go to town. But be warned: I. WILL. WIN.