Sunday, March 27, 2011

E.T. seems harmless, but can we really trust him?

A few weeks ago, I showed the girls E.T. for the first time. Emma loved it as I'd hoped she would, but surprisingly, Sophie enjoyed it too. In fact, Sophie has since developed a weird love/fear fascination with the film. She adores the movie and has every plot point memorized after countless viewings. Yet she still seems to believe that the film has the potential to morph at any time from a feel-good flick about a friendly alien into some horror tale about the extraterrestrial from hell. Hence, she goes through a specific three-step process whenever requesting to see it: 1. Talk about it. A LOT. 2. Beg to watch it. 3. Proceed to hide from it.

Here's a glimpse...


Unknown said...

I love this! When I was little, I had to cover my eyes during the opening them song of "Diff'rent Strokes". The creepy part for me was when Kimberly removed a towel from her head, and her hair was GREEN!!! Ahhhh!!!!! So creepy. I scared me so much. I still don't know why. But, I knew the exact part when the music changed and it was ok to remove my hands from my eyes.

Danielle Filas said...

Oh boy! Thanks so much for the early morning laugh. And by "laugh" I mean I guffawed with such power that I triggered a huge coughing fit complete with tears. Can I also take this moment to warn you that she has all the makings of a theatre kid? Total flair for the dramatic, a willingness to show vulnerability, an innate understanding of the power of underscoring...
Thank you for sharing!