Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Emma on a Wednesday

The other day, Emma caught me worrying over my to-do list and barraged me with questions about it. Today, she made one for herself. Here is Em's to-do list, exactly as she wrote it in her notebook:
Wendsday to do list!
1. Get ready for school
2. Read a book or watch T.V
3. Do my homework
4. Read more books/if I want
5. play on my ds./if I want
6. play with my ponys
7. Play dress up!
8. Sing!
9. Dance!
10. Fashoin show!
11. Make a to do list for thirsday
12. Take a shower
13. Get into pagamaes
14. pick out my clothes
15. Go to bed

She completed #s 1-5 and 11-15. She gave herself the grade of 91 D+, which is apparently a very good score because in to-do list grading you want to get as close to an F as possible. (I have no idea why, and my brain started to bleed when she explained it to me, so I am unable to replicate her reasoning here.)

Then she asked me what grade I got on MY to-do list today. I told her I had no idea, but that it really doesn't matter because tomorrow is another day.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"Well," I sighed, "I just mean that I'll get another crack at it tomorrow. My to-do list never really ends. My whole life is basically one long to-do list."

"Really?!" Emma shrieked. "That is SO COOL!"

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

That's a pretty cool outlook on to-do lists. I'm in love with them myself, so I suppose somewhere secretly I feel the same way. but you wouldn't know it by the way I talk to myself when I don't get my minimum done. Though I am a lot kinder than I used to be about it.