Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day with two kids.
I woke up (at 10am!) to lots of Mother's Day treats. While I was sleeping, Chris took the girls out in the pouring rain to get me all my favorite foods, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a big balloon. Chris also gave me a lovely card and two tickets to see Poison (complete with an awesome certificate designed by the oh-so-talented Tammy Stockton, thank you Tammy!) Poison was my favorite band in high school (don't you dare judge me!), and Chris thought I'd have fun reliving the glory days. Very cool gift.

Emma made me a necklace with beautiful beads--thirteen beads, to be precise. (This is apparently a very important detail as she counted them for me three times.) She is very proud that she made the gift herself, and I loved seeing her face light up when she gave it to me.

My favorite gifts were the two cards that Emma drew for me at school. She dictated exactly what she wanted to say to her teachers, who wrote it all down for her. Here is what each card said:

Card #1:
"Mommy, I love you. I love you, even when I'm mad. I love you because it's so much fun! I love you because I'm happy! Love, Emma"

Card #2:
"I love you so much. I have to take doctor medicine. I love you, because I'm sad, and then I love you very much, and then I love you really much, and then I go pee in the toilet, and then there's something I need to tell you. Emma"

Best. Day. Ever.

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jen! Emma's cards gave the Starr household a great laugh today. Love ya.