Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rolling and Burping

Sophie really, really likes being on her belly. (I personally think the below pic is one of the cutest ever of Miss Sophie Patrice.)
This is so strange to us because Emma HATED tummy time as a baby. There are no pictures or videos in existence of Emma on her stomach before...oh, I'd say late 2006. Seriously. In fact, she despised being on her stomach so much that she never crawled. She scooted everywhere she went until she was about 18 months old, and I don't think she truly mastered the art of rolling over until age 2. Just for the heck of it, here's vintage video of Emma scooting, circa May 2005:

Sophie, on the other hand, refuses to stay on her back. At all. The minute you put her down, she flips herself right over. This pleases us because we hope it indicates a natural future progression from crawling to sitting to standing to walking...which was not how Emma did it at all. However, her tummy obsession has made the sleeping transition from car seat to crib more difficult than we had anticipated. We tried doing sleep training last night. I lasted about 20 very long minutes, during which Sophie made sounds I have never ever before heard come out of her mouth, before I went in to rescue her. I found her face-first in her own spit-up, drool and snot. No, no, no. Obviously, that's not gonna fly.

So today, Soph and I got a sleep positioner at Babies R Us. It's designed to keep her on her back or side while she sleeps, and we hope it will also make her feel snuggled and secure like the car seat currently does. I really, really hope it works. (Really, really, really.) I'll report back soon with results. In the meantime, I took this video of Sophie rolling over today. Be sure to watch 'til the end so you don't miss the best part...

1 comment:

chrismath said...

That's our girls!

Very cute pic, honey. How did you avoid the drool??