Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh, Sophie

Sophie just rolled over in her car seat. She somehow flipped herself onto her stomach and then became hysterical because she couldn't figure out how to get herself back. I think she's trying to tell me she's ready to sleep in her crib, sans the seat. (Hey, NOTHING gets by me, huh?) And this can only mean one thing...Sleep Training. [Insert ominous sound cue here.]

I've been hoping the situation would resolve itself on its own, but alas, that seems not to be the case. She's clearly outgrowing the car seat, but we've tried transitioning her to the crib twice before and she's never been able to stay asleep for more than a couple of hours without nursing. Uggh...I HATE sleep training, but it seems the time has come to jump in with both feet. Bleegh. It's like ripping off a know it's gonna hurt, but yet it has to be done. Best to just get on with it and try to finish as quickly and painlessly as possible.

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