Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Yesterday in the grocery store as the wonderfully generous deli worker gave Emma a free slice of cheese (a kindness that Emma expects and enjoys during every single visit to Dominick's), Em told me that she wants to be "a cheese maker" when she grows up. Apparently all of Emma's future aspirations somehow revolve around food. Sometimes our similarities astound me.

In other news, Sophie has had a runny nose for two weeks, Em is having trouble with constipation and still needs her four-year-old immunizations, and I can't seem to shake my headaches or get more than four hours of sleep a night. So I finally broke down and called my doctor yesterday to see if she could get all of us in...and was told that she is currently on vacation. Until September 2. Yes, that's right - she is gone for the entire month of August. Now, I certainly do not begrudge anyone a vacation, and I've no doubt that she's earned it. However, when I asked her receptionist the next logical question - who is covering her while she is gone? - and was told that her partner will see emergency cases only, I began to get a little annoyed. Just what, I wondered, qualifies as an emergency? A cold? The flu? Profound blood loss? I was told an emergency is "anything that would require a trip to the ER." Um, okay. I gotta think that if something requires a trip to the emergency room then we would, in fact, go directly to the emergency room, but on the other hand I guess I kind of understood what she was saying. It's just so frustrating to need something and not have it be readily available, b/c of course the world should revolve around me, right? So I made an appointment for mid-September and hung up. And then I sulked for awhile about how much I miss our old doctor. Why oh why did he have to quit practicing medicine? At least when he went on vacation his partner would actually SEE me. Please come back Dr. Rube, come back!!!!

I need to get a gig that affords me an entire month of vacation. I guess I could be a teacher...or go to medical school. I shall look into these options.

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