Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Watch Out, David Beckham!

Emma had her first soccer practice today. She went with Chris, and she was so excited when she got home that she literally leaped into my arms. Chris took lots of pictures for me because I was so sad that I couldn't be there. Goodness, can't we freeze them at this age? Before they absorb all the competitiveness and winning/losing stress? They are just so cute, and right now all they care about is that they get to kick a ball and have fun. Here is our little soccer dynamo in all her glory.

The first thing she told me when she got home was that she got to be the "macaroli" and catch the ball and then throw it back. It took a minute before I realized she meant that she was the goalie. Chris said that when she stopped her first score with her legs, she let out a big "Ow!" and looked ready to lose it, but then when she heard everyone cheering for her she threw her arms up in the air in victory. I think this picture must have been taken during the "Ow" stage.
She even had some war wounds, which she proudly showed off for the camera.
Her first game is next Saturday, and Chris, Sophie, Grandma and I will all be there to cheer her on. If you have nothing to do on Saturdays at 10am this summer, come on out to Peterson Park and join the Emma Bloom fan base. At the very least, it should be entertaining!

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