Wednesday, September 24, 2008


In a span of less than 24 hours, Emma told a worker at Oberweiss, the drive-thru waiter at Charcoal Delights, a librarian, the grocery cart herder ( least I think that's his title?) and a Target cashier that she "got 4 shots at the doctor's all together, two in each arm."

Some laughed, others were confused (especially the worker who clearly did not speak English), all were indulgent, but only the Target cashier looked Emma right in the eye and asked, "4 shots for 4 years, I bet?" "Yes, that is right, I am 4 years old," answered Emma. "Humph," said the cashier. "They make you earn those years, don't they?" "Yes, they do," Emma solemnly replied. "Well, you better get used to it," the cashier advised. "It ain't gonna get any easier." "Okay," Em sighed after a slight pause. "I guess I can do that."

Then they high-fived each other, we left the store, and Em has not mentioned her shots again.

Since her doctor's appointment yesterday, Chris and I have lavished Emma with kisses, cuddles, praise, sympathy...and, of course, many treats. But it took a total stranger to give her the specific validation she apparently needed.

One more reason to love Target, I guess.

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