Thursday, October 8, 2009

Back and Behavior

I hurt my back on Monday. I don't know how, or why, or when I can expect it to heal. All I know is that one moment I was fine, and the next I was just about as far from fine as you can get. I didn't realize that placing my toothbrush back on the sink was so strenuous, but apparently my back has severe issues with the way I do this and decided to complain as loudly and painfully as it could. So. I've been hobbling around as best I can, but it hurts. A lot. Just lifting Sophie in and out of her crib is enough to send my back into horrible spasms, and I can only walk by leaning partway down and sort of bouncing from one foot to the other. I've had to cancel everything on the calendar for this week b/c it takes so much out of me just to get Emma to school and pick her up from the bus that I can't possibly imagine doing anything more. I am seeing teeny smidgens of improvement, so I am hopeful that I'll be all better soon. But I feel really guilty because the kids have basically been watching TV all week. It's the only thing that keeps them somewhat occupied, and I don't have the energy or strength to engage them in projects or play right now. I'll try to make up for it when I'm feeling better. In the meantime, this picture encompasses the very exciting happenings right now at the Mathews house. (Sorry the photo is blurry...our camera is apparently not feeling well either.)
In other news, Emma came home from school yesterday with six star stickers on her folder. She earns stickers for really good behavior, and once a child has five stickers they may pick a special reward. Emma chose to have lunch today with her teacher, Mrs. Parker. It will just be the two of them - Em made it very clear that no one else is allowed at their table. (The perverse part of me wishes I could be there if someone does dare to join them b/c I can see Emma's reaction so vividly in my head...yes, I know. I'm evil.) She is very, very excited. Chris and I are proud of her, but at the same time we are wondering where that well-behaved child goes once she enters our apartment. It's as if a naughty alien overtakes her on the bus ride home, because all I get from Emma lately is a lot of sass and attitude. Maybe I just need to start giving her stars as well. I am skeptical that it will work, but in desperation yesterday I almost made her eat dish soap, so I suppose I should try stars before feeding her cleaning products.

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