Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Glorious Freedom

Today was our first back at the gym in eight days, and Sophie and I are absolutely giddy with freedom. My whole body is a-tingle with the most glorious muscle ache. (Sounds weird, but exercise junkies know what I mean.) I was so damn happy when we first walked through the door that I couldn't wipe the dopey smile off my face. And after days of whining and grumpiness, Sophie can't stop smiling either. Entering the gym's nursery, Sophie literally started shaking with excitement. When I came back after class to pick her up, Soph was deep into an art project and barely looked my way. I told her it was time to go and she said, "No! I playin. Go away Mama, go away!" Unprecedented. As we walked to the car she suddenly stopped, turned in a circle and shouted, "Outside fun!" We both started giggling uncontrollably, drunk with joy at not being cooped up inside the apartment for another endless day. I am so thankful that everyone is fever-free again.

Change of subject, but I love listening to the girls interact in the backseat of the car. They have their own little games and jokes and conversations, and it feels like I'm eavesdropping on moments I normally wouldn't see or hear. On the way to school this morning, Emma was sharing grapes with her sister and getting frustrated that Sophie wasn't saying 'please' when asking for more. After several failed attempts at cajoling Sophie to say the word, Emma lowered her voice and said, "Sophie, I'm gonna tell you a secret. If you say 'please' and ask for something really really nicely and with a pretty smile, then you can get whatever you want! Well, with Daddy, I mean. It doesn't work with Mama."

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