Thursday, October 29, 2009

Haunted House

This is a scan of the haunted house Em made at school.
I couldn't fit the whole house into the scanner, but you get a hint of the triangular black roof that rests on the top. I'm so impressed that Emma's teachers get her to focus and complete these projects while still wrangling 30 other kids. I do not have this kind of success at home, and I only have two kids to worry about. Clearly, I am missing something. I should have studied elementary ed in college, because they are obviously imparting some secret kid-hypnosis-voodoo skills to the teachers-in-training that the rest of us lamebrains are expected to discover on our own.

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

Yes, how do they do it? At daycare, Buster sits still and attentive when they read to him. At home, fugeddaboutit.