Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last (Wo)man Standing

All three of my babies are sick. Chris has been fighting a fever for two days while still soldiering into work. Em's been down since Monday afternoon, and Sophie succumbed this morning. I am the only healthy one left in my family, which seems to be how these things usually go. It's not a good feeling. Don't get me wrong - I am very thankful I am not sick. In fact, I'm knocking on my fake wood desk as I type this. And I don't mind playing caretaker to the others. Chris pretty much just crashes as soon as he gets home, and I would be taking care of the girls regardless, so it sure is much easier to do so while feeling strong. The thing I dislike about being the only healthy one is wondering when/if/how It is going to get me. I feel a bit like I'm being stalked or hunted - or at the very least, watched - and the minute I let my defenses down, It will pounce. The stress of maintaining my vigilance against It is tiring, but I refuse to go down easily! I am also very skilled in the art of Denial. So even if It does get me, I will never admit defeat. I guess essentially that means I win either way, although I'd much rather win without having to go through the whole fever/cough/chills thing.

I have a sinking feeling that this is going to be a really, really long winter.

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

I'm so sorry! I wish you strong healing vibes for your sweeties, and strong fight-nasty-bugs-off vibes for you.