Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day!

Emma had the day off from school today in honor of Christopher Columbus and his extraordinary discovery of, I mean America. Em wasn't very happy about missing school, but she did enjoy going with Sophie and me to the gym. (My first day back after BACKLASH 2009 - nice ring to it, don't you think? - and so far, so good.) She saw lots of old friends in the gym nursery, and one of them taught her a new trick while I was gingerly stepping and elliptical-ing upstairs.
Then our dear friends Gen, Sam and Henry came over for lunch. Em and Soph couldn't get enough of Henry. Sophie kept stroking him and saying, "Nice baby." Here's Em with Henry, looking all cute and helpful as she tries to further her campaign for a little brother. (FYI...that will never happen.)
I loved having both girls to myself all day. We snuggled in bed together, hung up pumpkins and ghosts and goblins in our windows, and danced along to the opening number of Aladdin. Nothing special really. In fact, Em complained this morning, "Columbus Day isn't very fun for a holiday. I wish I was at school."

Sigh. Well, tomorrow your wish is granted, Emma Bloom. But today? Today felt exactly like a holiday to me. So I say: Long live Columbus Day!

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

Sounds like a good day to me!