Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bad Mommy Moment

This morning, as I was trying to rush us all out the door so we could get Em to school and Sophie and I to the gym on time, Em started whining that she needed help putting on her coat. As I was nursing Sophie, lacing up my sneakers and eating a banana at that moment, I explained to her I had no more hands and she'd have to do it herself. I told her that she is a big girl and big girls put on their own coats. She said she didn't want to be a big girl, she wanted to be a baby. I snapped back that I already had one baby and didn't want another - I wanted one baby and one big girl, so since Sophie was a real baby, Emma couldn't be a baby today too. Then I shouted, "Now put on your coat so we can GO!"

Emma slowly started putting on her coat. Frankly, I was amazed she had obeyed without histrionics, and when she finished I told her thank you. She calmly replied, "Mommy, I love you even when you're mean."

1 comment:

chrismath said...

Oh honey...you're a GREAT Mom. Emma knows that too.