Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mommy in training, part 2

Em has been in fierce Mommy mode today. She announced that all of her snuggles were sick, so she gave Leah the dinosaur, Pinky Louie the giraffe and her baby doll Charleete Motrin. Then she gave Charleete a bath while Leah and Pinky Louie slept. (At first Em gave the bath in the sink, with real water. I gently suggested she do a pretend bath in the bathtub instead while I mopped up the huge puddle of water that overflowed from the sink onto the bathroom floor.) She was very excited to report that Charleete "loves the bath. She isn't crying or screaming or whining - she's being a good girl!"
After bath, she tucked Charleete in for a nap and told her a story before she fell asleep.
Now she is hovering over Charleete, concerned that she is having bad dreams. Sophie is eating Cheerios, impervious to it all.

I must go now. I have food to prepare and pack. We are going to have a picnic on the living room floor b/c it is raining outside and I promised my girls a picnic, so I picnic we will have! (I'm even going to grab some ants from Em's Ants in the Pants game, b/c what's a picnic without ants?)

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