Friday, October 24, 2008


Lately Emma has been semi-obsessed with rhyming. She doesn't always get the concept right, but she sure does try. At any given point in a day, she is apt to shout out "Jen rhymes with hen" or "Fleenex rhymes with Kleenex" or "off rhymes with on." (That last one was from yesterday, and no matter how I tried to dissuade her otherwise, she remains utterly convinced that "off" and "on" rhyme.)

Anyway...Em just woke up crying b/c there is a thunderstorm outside and the lightning scared her. I rocked her and sang to her and snuggled with her until she was calm. Then I turned on her moon nightlight, gave her a kiss, and reminded her that I was in the next room if she needed me. She told me goodnight, finally ready for sleep but still doing that hiccup-breathing-gasping-thing that comes after someone's sobbed themselves silly.

Just as I was closing the door, I heard her whisper in this tiny, tear-filled voice, "Lightning rhymes with Lightning McQueen."

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