Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bath Time

We've begun letting the girls take baths together. I believe tonight was the second or third time. They really enjoy it.
I used to hover over Sophie her entire time in the tub, convinced she'd lose her balance and fall forward or back into the water the minute I took my arms away. So I've been hesitant to bathe them together b/c my focus is split between the two. But as Sophie's gotten stronger at sitting up, I've gotten a little more relaxed. Tonight, I actually sat back and just let them play. My favorite part was shaping their hair with shampoo and then watching them make silly faces.
But of course, wouldn't you know...one second we're giggling away, and the next second Sophie is flat on her back. It happened so fast that I don't really know if she slipped or just decided to flip herself, which she is prone to do at the oddest of times. I just yanked her clear out of the tub, and after a bit of sputtering she was totally fine. She didn't even cry. I, however...not so fine. I held her, dried her off, dressed her, nursed her to sleep, and then sobbed for a good 5 minutes before laying her in her crib. I realize that Soph probably swallows more water when we rinse out her hair than she ultimately did tonight when she fell - heck, the whole incident only lasted a few seconds - but still...to look down and see your baby completely submerged in water is nothing short of terrifying.

So, I think this is the last time we're gonna bathe them together for awhile. Nothing wrong with solo baths and constant hovering for a little bit longer. Perhaps we'll try joint baths again when Sophie's 10.

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