Sunday, November 1, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

In celebration of Emma's Belle costume for Halloween, we decided to watch Beauty and the Beast this morning. One part of the film that's always confused Em is why the Beast is so mean in the beginning. I tried to explain again that the beast is just very sad, and that makes him angry. "You mean he's sad because that old hag turned him into a scary beast?" "Yes," I said, "but there are other reasons too. Watch closely and you will see." She took my directive seriously and sat rapt throughout the story.

When the Beast turned back into a prince at the end of the movie, Em looked at me with a huge smile and said, "Look, Mommy! The Beast isn't sad anymore!" I asked her if she understood why, thinking she would say it was because he was no longer a beast. Instead she answered, "Because he finally has love in his heart." I pretty much shut up after that.

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