Wednesday, November 18, 2009

These times we live in

Emma in the car today:
"The other day at school we had a Code Red drill. A Code Red drill is when a stranger comes to our school that nobody knows or when a student acts naughty and tries to hurt somebody. When Mrs. Parker shouts 'Code Red,' we hurry hurry hurry to our special hiding place and make ourselves really small and don't move or make any noise. We sit and pretend to be statues and stay really still and silent, and no matter what we hear, even if it is scary, we don't stop being statues or come out of our hiding place until our teacher comes to get us."

Hearing these terrifying words come out of my baby's mouth just about froze my heart. When I was a kid, we practiced what to do in case of a tornado or a fire. Emma just finished her first quarter of kindergarten, and she's already had three test runs on how to react if some psychopath attacks her school.

Some days, it takes all of my strength just to let her out of my sight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok this just made me tear up a bit.