Sunday, November 8, 2009


As I was closing the door of Em's room after tucking her in tonight, she called out, "Mommy, I'm scared to go to school tomorrow because I'm afraid I'll be bossy and get my card moved to Yellow." [Green = good, Yellow = ruh roh, Red = call to parents.]

Emma has never received anything less than "Excellent" for behavior on her weekly reports, so I did an immediate double take at this news. "What did you say?" I inquired as neutrally as possible.

"At school Friday, Mrs. Parker said, 'Emma Bloom Mathews, if I hear you being bossy one more time, I'm going to move your card from Green to Yellow.'"

Of course, Emma accused of bossiness is no big surprise. (Understatement of the YEAR, but I digress.) However, I was surprised to hear she was being reprimanded at school, and I told her I was disappointed. I explained that she would have to work on paying attention to herself and not others, like we've talked about many (many many many many) times at home.

"But...," Em interrupted.

"No, Emma. Listen to me, please. You must stop telling other people what to do."

"But...," Em tried again.

"No, Emma. No buts. No excuses. You simply have to stop."

"But sometimes the bossy just comes out of me and I can't help it!" she cried.

"Well, you'll just have to do your best," I said. "I know it's hard, but let me be clear about this: if your card gets moved to Yellow at school, then there will be a consequence to face at home."

Emma lay there contemplating this new development, clearly distressed by the entire conversation. I thought for a second she was going to cry. She kept hugging herself and shaking, literally trying to hold in all of her frustration. Finally she bolted upright, unable to contain herself any longer.

"Uggh!" she shouted. "It's all that stupid Gabriel's fault! He doesn't listen to a word I say! If he would just listen to me, then everything would be fine!"

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